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Your Weekly Antics, Run Riley, Run Edition...11-22-24

Well kids, we are a week away from Turkey Day. I blame Mother Nature. We’ve had all this good weather making us forget that we are in the midst of November. We wake up to pouring rain yesterday and we all come to our senses. We at The Antics are here to tell you that this time next week is, in fact, Thanksgiving so you better get your acts together. Mother Nature did what she does best, she sucked us all in, caught us off our game and now this time next week you'll be surrounded by a bunch of freeloaders waiting to be fed. Here’s what I’ve got...  

  1. The weather's been messing with us and so have the full moons. A better, more conscientious Antics writer may have remembered to warn you all about last week's full moon, but this writer sucks, therefore I did not. As Jim Burns once said, there's a full moon every week for crying out loud, or he said something like that I think, or maybe he didn't, now I'm not sure but that's not the point...The full Beaver Moon was the full moon of last week and it is said that it was a time to reflect, let go, and prepare for the winter ahead. So, I did just that, I let go of the guilt sent my way for not warning you about the pending full moon. You people are a lot of work you know that? I do what I can. With that said, I'm taking a preemptive stand and letting you all know now that the next full moon is December 15th - mark it down. It's not like you can't tell it's a full moon without me telling you. Just take a walk outside and start interacting with people, then you'll know without even having to look up.

  1. Tyler doesn’t care that it’s mid-November, there was a full moon, and we’ve got stuff to do. He’s been screwing around, away on a guy's trip. No wonder there’s been an uptick in crime, who the hell’s been running the city in his absence?

  1. If you're like Tyler, have been off sitting in the sun and you have to get back in your wife's good graces for this upcoming holiday season, I say you do so with Pies. It's bad enough she'll be cooking the bird and all the sides all day, that is, if her kitchen is back in order, how about you be in charge of making all the pies? Better yet, you don't trust yourself to pull this one off? Give Mykonos Bakery in Millbury a call, they're making apple pies, pumpkin pies and custard pies. Tell them Lisa told you to call. This will get you absolutely nowhere but will be fun to mess with Chris a bit.

    Home - MYKONOS BAKERY MILLBURY / 508-917-8127

4. I’m going to be running the Boston Marathon this April kids…did that get your attention? It should – are you out of your damn minds? Of course, I’m not running the marathon or any race, get it together - but Riley Peck is, and we need donations!!! This crazy kid has a goal set to raise $10,000 to run, all proceeds are going to The Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation, a charity dedicated to ending violence against women. Riley graduated from Holy Cross last spring after working hard studying and advocating for gender-based violence prevention and continues to dedicate her time to making a change. She could continue this great work volunteering in different capacities, but she chooses to do so by running 26.2 miles - please note this is by choice, it's not like she's being chased by the police or a bear. This kid's going to make changes in the world people, AND, she's an all around great kid - please support her if you can. Check out her link.



5. The turkeys of the hood are aware that Thanksgiving is a week away and they’ve taken to the streets harassing cars and holding up traffic. This crew was seen harassing the fine people of Northboro and clogging up the roadways. It's about time some of the towns outside of the city were harassed like the rest of us are. Exhibit 1, Turkeys, taking Thanksgiving back.


6. We seem to talk a lot about laundry and household chores here at The Antics, so why would this week be any different? Any of my readers out there have designated laundry baskets? One for clean laundry and one for dirty? Apparently, that’s a thing, and who knew it was happening right here under my own roof. Imagine the horror when I thought I’d do the middle kid a favor and drag my sorry self up the cellar stairs with her clean laundry, after unloading it into the wrong basket. I tell Sue Miller all about this and her response was, if she wants her laundry in a certain basket, tell her to label them dirty and clean…ummmm, she did. I just thought those bougie baskets she got at TJ Maxx were for decorative purposes. Oops. No Exhibit on this one...that would involve going back down to the cellar, and I'm not doing it. Exhibit 2, in the basement - use your imagination


7. Mother Nature has also been messing with Gibson with this no rain business. This dog loves the rain so much that now that it is raining, he’d just assume stay out in it all day and all night. Thursday he spent about 6 hours out there before reluctantly coming in to finally eat his long overdue breakfast, get some water, and rest up a bit before returning outside to the mud and the puddles. If he had it his way, he'd never come back inside. Exhibit 3, Gibson, watching over his hood.


8. What’s better than a rainy day? A rainy trash day here in the 02. Gibson was holding down his station outside in the bushes waiting on the trash guys after successfully bullying the recycling truck. The only thing that would have made a rainy trash day more perfect was if the street sweepers and leaf collection trucks made their way down our street - all on the same day. Can you imagine? This dog would've lost his mind.  

9. Always fun when you go to do all the holiday things, including holiday crafts like wreath making and, in this case, wreath star making. I’ll admit mine looks nothing like a star, but at least mine is still alive unlike Colleen Gagne’s that disintegrated as soon as she got home. Despite my thoughts that my star could’ve been better, I thought you know what, I’m still going to give it to my mom to hang up on her front door. Forgetting to bring it with me when heading to her house on Monday, I took her for a ride by my house on our way home to pick it up because I left it hanging on the deck. I point it out to her, and she tells me hmmm, that’s a star? Maybe you should just keep it. Nice.

Exhibit 4, lame but live star wreath

Exhibit 5. lame but dead star wreath

  1. Heads up, Sue Miller has been cleared and renewed to be on the streets. Getting her license renewed earlier in the week I took the opportunity to have her pose for a photo with her renewal just as everyone does when their kids get their licenses and permits. She told me not to post this picture in the Antics but that was before she made fun of my wreath, so here you go. Exhibit 6, Sue Miller.

And last but not least, have a great weekend!

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